Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Good-Bye Google Ads

You will notice there are no more google ads. After more than 5000 visitors I have yet to receive anything for having these ads on the blog. Oh, well, I have been entertained about the ads that end up here. For example, when I mentioned how it was difficult to tell the difference between cinnamon and shit splatters on cinnamon rolls. Google ads placed ads for cinnamon rolls. Or the article I posted about the bird head found in bean cans, Google placed ads for beans. However, I don't like them placing ads for things I don't want to promote.
I do think google is a good thing but I just don't think Google ads is for me or my blog. I also think the appearance of the blog is more appealing without all the ads. I get tired of seeing ads as does everyone. Therefore, they are gone. If I have an ad it will be for something relative to my blog.


Anonymous said...

You know I heard these adds just take up space and well I guess you have kind of confirmed it for me, because 5,000 hit and nothing is good information to me, thanks for the info.

Susan L. Prince said...

Hmmm, I was always wondering if those ads paid off for people.

I myself don't like seeing them on blogs, and in fact, with Firefox, I can choose to not have to see them at all! (Which I would think defeats the entire purpose for people placing them on their blogs anyway.)

Sampsa said...

The ad thing is hype. Bloggers like Problogger claim that they make a decent amout of bucks with these ads, but the reason they are blogging is the money. I like to concentrate on writing thoughtful propaganda :-))

I once saw an adsence ad advertising prison jumpsuit halloween costumes in a human rights site. They happened to be writing about Guantanamo.

Anonymous said...

Now wait a minute, there is trouble in River City!

I am here to tell you, in fact I will email my Google statement if you like,

I have Grossed $.63 from my Blog and Google!

I have been debating this same thing; to delete or not. You can customize the adds. Too much trouble for .63...

What about content...does it help your content?

duwbryd said...

I'm sure Google ads make a lot of people money but in the last year I have grossed $6.63. I think that means I would have to wait until I've made another $93.37 before I get paid. That means never as far as I'm concerned.
I'm no pro blogger but I don't know how it would help my blog with relative content. When I told about the dead man's body being left in the beet sugar silo, I got ads selling sugar. For most blogs I think this would work great but I don't like it with my stories. I saw how I could filter out specific ads but there are just to many to bother in my case.

cruxley's mom said...

I was wondering if anyone else had the same experience. I just started but have had a lot of hits and only three clicks on the ads.